Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Check Out Checkers for Preteens!

So I just had to share one of my favorite things I have been so blessed to have (and my fiancée in the middle is pretty amazing too!):


If you're looking for a fun, easy-to-make element for your preteen or children's ministry this is it! 

Here's what you need:
  • Gotta be excited to make something awesome 
  • Have another equally awesome person to help
  • 64 squares of Vinyl Linoleum 
  • Big sheets of card board 
  • One of those squishy things people put under rugs 
  • 2 different colors of duct tape 
  • Upholstery foam 
It's actually incredibly simple to make. From the picture you can tell it's only 8x8 squares. I bought all the tiles from Big Lots for pretty cheap. Simply find the cardboard you need to lay down the linoleum tiles on top of and you're ready to go! 

Once you've taken your  time applying the self-adhereing tiles, find a 8 or 9 inch circle to use for cutting out the foam pieces. It is ridiculous to try to explain how to tape them, but my advice to you is to start with long pieces that criss-cross the circle, then use smaller pieces to fill in the gaps. 

Because preteens are preteens...
  • Make sure you make the checkers out of something light-weight. I can assure you they will get thrown across the room at some point.
  • It is important to secure the cardboard onto the floor with something otherwise someone might slip.
  • Be careful with applying the linoleum straight onto the floor, I think it is more versatile to lay it on top of cardboard so you can move it if needed. 
  • Watch out for heavy objects on tiny feet (desks, tables etc...) as they will likely puncture the checker board. 
Have fun! And as always, message me if you'd like more details. 
Be blessed! 


  1. So... How are you going to make the chess pieces?

    1. we actually have signs we tape to the backs of the kids and the leaders use them for chess pieces ;)
